Money Laundering

The barristers at Mountford Chambers have considerable experience in advising and representing individuals and companies in relation to all aspects of money laundering. Our members have written books on the subject, articles in legal journals and websites, lectured and given training and seminars to other professionals and companies.

Mountford Chambers has specific skill and expertise in advising companies and individuals on their responsibilities under the Money Laundering Regulations, compliance, and how to deal with concerns they may have. The team also advise and represent clients in all forms of ancillary and related proceedings including restraint, confiscation, and directors’ disqualification, as well as cases with international and multi-jurisdictional elements.

Barristers advise and represent at all stages of the criminal process. They have a strong track record of success on pre-charge matters, where they advise about restraint, investigations, and assist in diverting an investigation away from charge. Where cases proceed, members also advise at Court of Appeal stage where they are often assigned by the Registrar of Criminal Appeals because of their expertise in this area.

Get in touch

Mountford Chambers is home to a team of highly responsive, experienced and knowledgeable clerks.

Ben Heaviside, Senior Clerk at Mountford Chambers

Ben Heaviside

To email Ben click here or call on 020 7936 6300
Out of hours 07793 318647

Money Laundering news

Ely Place

Alexandra and Anthony represented a man convicted of removing £3.2m of criminal property from the United Kingdom as part of…

Recent Cases

Edward Henry KC has just finished defending in the largest money-laundering allegation in British criminal history. Edward defended one of eight…

Recent Cases

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